Course curriculum

    1. Course Objectives

    2. Time Investment and Completion Schedule

    3. Requirements for MM-11

    4. Basis of Grading

    1. Course Instructors

    2. 1 - So what am I going to do when I grow up? (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    3. 2 - Vocation, Work, and Ministry (Dr. Clive Lim)

    4. 3 - Does God really have a wonderful plan for my life? (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    5. 4 - What does it mean to be called? (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    6. 5 - Calling in a Post-vocational Era (Dr. Clive Lim)

    7. 6 - Listening to the Voice of God (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    8. 7 - Work Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    9. 8 - Whose Work Matters to God and the World? (Dr. Clive Lim)

    10. 9 - Work is a Context for Communion with God (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    11. 10 - Work is where we are able to make a Mark on Heaven (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    12. 11 - Ministry: The Universal Priesthood of the People of God (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    13. 12 - Priests, Prophets, and Princes in the Church and Marketplace (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    14. 13 - Asian Perspective: Vocational Discernment & Careers (Dr. Clive Lim)

    15. 14 - Kingdom Work and Kingdom Resistance (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    16. 15 - Experiencing Kingdom Resistance (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    17. 16 - Three Vocational Temptations (Dr. Paul Stevens)

    18. 17 - God's Will and Vocational Discernment (Dr. Clive Lim)

    1. Write a 750 Word Book Report

    2. Competency Assignment

About this course

  • Free
  • 24 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content

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